April Snow Showers on Mt. Mansfield Bring..?

…May projects!
Here at the Brass Lantern Inn, and especially on Mt. Mansfield, we recognize that there is typically quite a back and forth response in the tug of war between winter and spring. We tend to just leave the skis in the truck (till closing day) to give us that last minute option to sprint up to Stowe Mountain Resort and put in as many turns as we can as the snow changes from packed powder, corn to mashed potatoes. Spring skiing is definitely here.
We recognize that most people south of our latitude are either looking forward to or are already in the midst of the typical spring weather and scenes. We get that, and will certainly be happy when spring does arrive here, but, for now, we are happy to ski on a mostly quiet mountain. Many times you can find yourself gliding peacefully, without another person in sight along some of our favorite trails; Nosedive, Rimrocks, Sunrise and even the quiet reflection permitted on Toll Road. Admittedly, it is a bit of a cat and mouse kind of game to predict best skiing conditions and certainly a clear indication that the last, last run of the season is drawing near. April 23rd is final day for lift operations…
We have received some surprise snowfalls, twice already in this month of April. On 4/1 we received well over 12″ of snow on the mountain and just yesterday morning we picked up another 10 to 13″. Down here in the valley, much less, and with this time of year the snow here in Town melts quickly exposing the outline of our gardens and even the beginning sprout of our tulips. Yesterday, I noticed that the grass is even doing its best to poke through the thin cover of snow on the front lawn.
The sap from the Maple trees is still running. As long as the temps. keep this seesaw pattern of below freezing at night to the bright, warm sunny daytime temps. in the 40’s to even 60’s those who produce our wonderful maple syrup are taking everything that this season is providing. The traditions of the Vermont seasons help us recognize we are so fortunate to have landed in this little corner of paradise.
April snow showers will ultimately make way for several spring projects. On the drawing board right now are the plans for a new breakfast deck just off the main breakfast room. You know, that area that is the crushed stone patio? Our plans include adding the new deck that will be at the level of the current breakfast room floor with a door added such that we can go straight from the breakfast room to the outside deck. We can’t wait to be able to serve you breakfast, outside, on those gloriously beautiful mornings in full view of Mt. Mansfield. Follow us on our Facebook/Instagram feeds as we chronicle the construction of our breakfast deck!
Later this year we plan to fully gut and renovate our game room! Watch for updates and stay tuned.
See you outside,