Mid Summer Conditions in Stowe

The report regarding mid summer conditions in Stowe is that it has been a warm, ok, a bit warmer than usual and sunny summer. It has also been a busy summer here in Stowe and at the Brass Lantern Inn. The summer season has been filled with fireworks, outdoor concerts, hot air balloons, Chowder festivals, art festivals/markets, Gazebo concerts and lots of active outdoor adventures including but not limited to: mountain biking, hiking, swimming under the Bingham Falls, and relaxing on the back porch of the Inn as the sun sets over Mt. Mansfield. And that's just the highlights!
But, there is so much more of summer to experience and if you have the opportunity to escape to Stowe you will find new adventures and attractions to explore yourself all waiting for your arrival.
How about a water adventure? Whether you are an experienced kayaker/canoeist or have never been in either there are several options available to explore this part of Vermont along our scenic waterways.
How about a paddle cruise along the Winooski River or a stand up paddle board experience on Waterbury Reservoir? The friendly staff of Umiak Outdoor Outfitters has lots of ways to get you out on the water to explore quiet coves of the Reservoir or the thrills of some whitewater along the Winooski.
Prefer a guided tour with another element or two included? How about a Water and Wine tour? The guides at Vermont Canoe and Kayak have the perfect tour for you to consider. This 1-1/2 tour includes a tour either in kayak or canoe from their outpost to the Boyden Valley Winery just down the river a bit. After your wine tasting, sampling of Vermont Cheddar cheeses, French Bread and tour of the vineyard they shuttle you back to your car (no paddling upstream – Bonus!)
Golf, anyone? Wow, we have so many great options within a very short iron shot to something more of a drive away. A wedge shot away (ok, maybe for the pros it is a wedge, more like a 3 wood for me) is our home course, Stowe Country Club.
As a supporting lodging member with Stowe Country Club we can share the unique opportunity for greens fees at 15% off standard daily rates. That discount applies even to the incredibly affordable twilight/afternoon rates. I have had the pleasure of golfing here for the past 9 summers and can tell you that this public/private course continues to make exceptional improvements to the quality of the play each year and the friendly staff, at the Stowe Country Club, make it a positively memorable experience. We have exclusive offers on our website for golf and stay package. Give us a call and we can set you up for an experience that will have you enjoying the mountain backdrop setting as much as the golf.
While we are just past our mid summer conditions in Stowe, there is plenty of summer left here in the green mountains of Vermont. Don’t wait too long, or, you’ll miss it.
And, have you heard about our fall foliage season?